Saint Hyacinth is located on the eastside of Detroit in an area commonly known as Poletown. Saint Hyacinth Parish was founded in 1907. During this time, the Polish population in the Detroit area was growing rapidly. Saint Hyacinth is still an active parish today. In addition to the celebration of the Mass and continued offering of the Sacraments, Saint Hyacinth proudly carries on the heritage of our Polish ancestors. The year 2007 was a special one for Saint Hyacinth Parish. We celebrated our 100th Anniversary. There was a year long celebration, which led to the 100th Anniversary Mass with Adam Cardinal Maida, followed by a wonderful banquet. Nearly a thousand parishioners, friends and guests of Saint Hyacinth attended the Centennial Mass. We now enter into the next 100 years. This is a beautiful building; but you are what makes it a beautiful church and parish. It was your ancestors and now you that give this parish its rich history and Polish heritage. It is you that can help Saint Hyacinth Parish grow in the next 100 years. We welcome you to come back to Saint Hyacinth often. Come here to share in your heritage and most importantly to join with us in the celebration of the Mass. Together as the Saint Hyacinth family, we can define the history for the next 100 years of our parish. Whenever you gather at Saint Hyacinth to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass or one of our festivals, surely the memories of days gone by fill your mind. These are the treasures of the past one hundred years. Please join us as we build the memories and treasures of the next 100 years.